Thursday, December 4, 2008
Last few days
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Adventures in Sydney and Cairns
First of all, a couple weeks ago I got to see Australian Idol LIVE. It was amazing; my friend Anne got free tickets and decided to take me and our friend Claire. I was so excited; I've never seen any TV show live, and Australian Idol seemed so incredibly more exciting to see live than American Idol, even though I haven't actually been following the show here.
We waited in line for probably three hours before they let us in. The studio was tiny! We volunteered to go in the "mosh pit" which was basically four rows of screaming teary-eyed teenage girls in front of the stage (some with signs!) My two favorite parts of the show were watching the hosts read off the teleprompter, and the way the producers attempted to entertain the audience during commericials. It was all very exciting. The show was the final three performing two songs each. I was surprised that all three were male...but actually, not so surprised when I took the demographics of the audience into consideration. Anyways, I found myself (frighteningly) becoming an Australian Idol fangirland desperately reaching my hand out to try to touch these Australian celebrities every time they came over to high five the girls in the front row. I failed at this, being near the back of the crowd. However, at one point I was successfully able to reach my hand over the crowd and poke Mark, the bald contestant, on his head. The most popular of the three with the mosh pit girls was, by far, Wes (at the end of the show he was my favorite as well) and a week later he ended up winning the title of Australian Idol. But yes, it was a quite random but very fun night.
But, even more exciting was that, because of the fact that I worked two jobs this semester I was able to go to Cairns for a week, the 19th to the 26th. I went with my friend Claire, and it was the most amazing week ever. We spent a great deal of time just swimming - in the pool at our hostel (Geckos backpackers; it was really nice and I'd definitely recommend it), at the "lagoon" a giant, pretty public pool, and in the ocean. We, of course, snorkeled at the great barrier reef during one of our first days in Cairns. At first I had a bit of trouble with this, as basically the boat stopped in the middle of the ocean and we jumped out with our snorkels and fins on. It was then that I remembered that I am an awful swimmer and I clung to the side of the boat for dear life. Eventually I obtained a small floating device which I tied around my waist, but I was still unable to handle the huge waves. Eventually one of the guides threw down one of those floating rings, and I hung on to that. It turned out to be a pretty sweet deal as she snorkeled with me, pointing out fish and coral of interest, and I was able know...not drown.
A lot of the trip was spent lounging on the boat, which is where I realized why Queensland has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world. I, not lie, reapplied sunblock at least three times over the course of the day, and came home from the trip super excited about seeing one of the great natural wonders of the world, but with the worst sunburn of my entire life.
The next morning I woke up at 3:45am to go on a hot air balloon ride. I was SO EXCITED about this, as going on a hot air balloon ride has been a life goal, a dream of mine since I was probably about six or seven. They do the balloon rides so early in the morning because that is when the wind is the least strong...or something like that. Luckily, the fact that I was soooo so excited made getting up so early bearable. The shuttle driver brought us all to the site, and it was crazy foggy out. There was talk of the flight getting canceled and I was really nervous that it would happen. But it didn't, and soon I was climbing into a hot air balloon basket, one of the largest hot air balloon baskets in the entire world, with a number of Japanese tourists and a girl from California, who, weirdly enough, had been on my boat cruise the day before and who immediately recognized me.
The flight was amazing. Absolutely incredible. You can see pictures here:
Along with some other pictures from my Cairns trip.
After the flight we all got to help pack up the balloon which was a very interesting an amusing experience in itself. Then they treated us to breakfast. At the breakfast site there was a man with a bunch of animals; I wasn't quite sure what he was doing at the breakfast site but we got to hold his owl and a baby crocodile.
The next day I went bungy jumping. That was terrifying. I went with Claire; it had been my idea but she said she'd come along. Of course, when we were on the top of the platform I was the one completely freaking out with Claire comforting me, telling me it's just like a high diving board. She jumped first, and afterwards she told me that she had said to the guy "I don't think I can do this" and he had blocked her way back off the platform and had just started counting down. I thought that was kind of funny. I was really nervous, but I never thought about backing out of it. Even so, when I was on the end of the platform, about to jump off, I still couldn't, in my mind, comprehend that I was really going to jump off this thing. Of course, the guy starts counting down....5,4,3,2,1...and you have no choice but to jump. You can't just be standing there when he gets to one. Still, in my absolute terror I forgot to breathe as I jumped and it ended up being somewhat painful feeling in my chest. I was also terrified I was going to die. Which I didn't. And the adrenaline rush afterwards was so awesome. Oh, and I bought the DVD. If you wanna see my bungy jump I'm more than happy to show you haha.
The next day was more of a chill out day, exploring the town and the beach. The day after Claire went on another reef trip but me, too cheap to pay all that money again, went through every brocure in the hostel looking for the cheapest tour I could find. I ended up finding a really cheap all day tour and decided to go on it, and I ended up having an amazingly fun day. The tour guide, this guy named Stewie, was maybe a little nuts, but he cracked me up. Weirdly enough, nobody else on the tour seemed to find his jokes all that funny but I thought he was hilarious. Like, we passed a cementary and he said, "Hey guys, this is the dead center of town!" Well, I thought it was funny.
We explored the rainforest/jungle type areas (and saw the famous "stinging tree" which, apparently, if you touch you experience awful awful pain that lasts six months and has led many dogs and horses to suicide) and went swimming at this beautiful waterfall. Also we were all forced to lick this bug that tasted like lemon. Stewie kept climbing up really high and jumping down into the water which made us all really nervous as the water was not very deep and the bottom of the water covered in rocks. He didn't die. He also didn't wear shoes the entire day which was sort of interesting. At one point he said to me, "Aly, give me your camera and I'll take a picture of you," and he did take a picture of me. Later I looked through the pictures on my camera and to my surprise, before the picture of me there was a picture of him sticking his tongue out he had taken when I wasn't looking. I laughed out loud.
Basically it was just a really entertaining day, and it was cool to hang out with a real Cairns local. It just always fascinates how I end up loving the cheap tour the best.
Today I went to a YouTube gathering in Sydney. I found out about it on youtube and I couldn't not go, even though I'm not exactly a huge youtuber, and I also don't watch the videos of anybody who was there. (I had hoped to meet Frezned, but apparently he had to go to a wedding instead). Anyway, I went with my friend Anne, who doesn't use youtube at all, and basically it was just awkward. We kind of just stood around watching people, not sure what do to. I ended up talking to this one guy, Fredrick, because we had the same sunglasses. He is that guy on youtube who does that special effect to his eyes to make them look huge. Anyway, he taped me for a couple seconds and said he is going to put me in a video so I will have to keep a look out for it haha. He has like 7,000 subscribers! Anyway, Anne and I ended up ditching it pretty quickly and went to Chinatown and got delicious Thai food and I was a happy girl.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Anyways, I had to go to class eventually. Luckily, a girl in my class was receiving text message updates every 2 minutes on her phone regarding the election. And so she told the entire class Obama won when she got that text. Oddly enough, although there are three Americans in my small class of about 10, it was an Australian girl who was getting these every 2 minute text updates. It's amazing to me how incredibly interested Australians are in American politics compared to...most Americans?
Friday, October 10, 2008
Unexpected Surprises
2. I am completely addicted to online Scrabble. I play at least 2 to 3 games a day. I can't stop. I am pretty good too, if I may say so myself. I've got pretty much all of the two letter words down.
3. I am also addicted to peanut butter and honey sandwiches. I eat, on average, two a day. They are cheap and delicious and I had never had one before coming here. And I never would have had one if I hadn't heard people talking about them, and then a random company just HAPPENED to be handing out free honey samples. Bizarro.
4. I have a blue ukulele that I bought in Sydney. It was cheap. I have trouble tuning it, but I can play "Build me up Buttercup" and "Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots part 1".
5. I have made friends with a guy from Wales who is hired by companies to ride his unicycle around and juggle clubs. How is it that I manage to always become friends with the most Hampshire-like kids whereever I go? Anyways, he is teaching me how to juggle and refreshing my memory on how to tie rock-climbing knots.
6. There is an ice-cream truck that plays "Greensleeves" and drives around the Macquarie University Village on Saturdays and drives me insane. INSANE! Blasting Greensleeves all afternoon...dum dum dum de dum da de dum de dum da de dum de dum...GAH! Why Greensleeves, WHY!?
7. Now my German roommate is humming Greensleeves downstairs in the kitchen. Great.
8. Also, there has been a number of BIRDS in my apartment. This is because I live with boys. Messy, messy, messy boys. Who don't know how to wash dishes/take out the trash/close the door. And so birds come in. It makes me unhappy to go downstairs for some cereal and instead find a bird.
9. I got my story back from my creative writing teacher. I was very nervous about being graded on my creative writing for many reasons including the fact that I'd never gotten graded on it at Hampshire, and also because after I handed it in I realized I misspelled my teacher's name on the cover sheet. It seems it didn't matter because there was not a single comment or correction on the entire paper. Then, on the very last page was one word: "Brilliant!" I am still completely awestruck, as my teacher seemed to hate the story I workshopped in class, but I have achieved brilliance with this one it seems. Especially since she told the class that she was really critical in grading these pieces because she wanted us to improve for the final.
10. That being said I got a "pass+" on my sociology paper which I think is equivalent to a C+ but I'm not completely sure. This is odd to me, because my creative writing class is 300 level, and my sociology class is 100 (introductory) level. But it seems my sociology teacher is a quite tough grader. I also think I did the assignment kind of wrong, and also I think I got points off for spelling "yogurt" the American way instead of the Australian way. Luckily that paper isn't a big part of my grade and I'm pretty excited about our next paper.
11. I have eaten approximately 16 boxes of cereal since I've been here. That's way under my normal cereal consumption
12. I have discovered the children's section of the library. I'm doing Judy Blume right now; finished "Forever" and "Are you there God, it's me, Margaret?" and now I'm onto "Blubber". Roald Dahl and Jerry Spinelli next.
13. Not to sound like a creepy stalker or anything but I remember reading Jonathan's Australia blog before coming here and he talked about the crazy cigarette boxes and I always see them on the ground and they really are crazy, the pictures on the backs are so disgusting. Not quite on the same page as him with the collecting though...I don't think I want those images in the room I'm sleeping. I wonder if they really do deter people from buying them.
14. You know that "Whatthehellit's5:30already?WhatdidIdoallday!?" feeling that always seems to come about when you have a bunch of stuff due soon? Well, just got that. Even in Australia.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Afterwards we headed to Maketu to our accomodation for that night, with local Maori. We were served a 'Hangi' meal and got to see a cultural show. Afterwards, the boys and girls were split up, and while the four boys on the bus learned the battle chant (I forget the name of it), the girls learned how to poi (although, due to my complete lack of hand eye coordination, I was awful at this. We then had to perform in front of each other!
That night we all had mattresses in the room where the show had been held. Anne and I stayed up talking to some of the other backpackers on the trip. We all compared drinking/smoking/sexual consent ages in our countries and talked about where else in the world we had traveled too. Then we got on the topic of cereal. I am a HUGE cereal fan. But, I'm talking sugary cereals. Cap'n Crunch, Reese's Puffs, Cookie Crisp, Honeycomb - I love it all. But when I confessed this to the group they all laughed at me. Apparently cereal is a total U.S. thing. There barely exists cereal besides corn flakes and granola in at least any of the countries represented by the people in the group I was talking with (namely, Denmark, Ireland, and England). And in Australia the only sugary cereal I was able to find was Froot Loops, and I couldn't even find that in New Zealand. (Also, I set up a bank account here and one of my security questions involves my favorite food being cereal and once I had to call the help desk because I was having problems and the lady at the bank read me the questions and laughed when I answered that one, saying, "Well, that's a new one!")
ANYWAYS, eventually we went to sleep and were awakened when Uncle Boy (the chief and owner of the house) blasted ABBA at 7 A.M. Yes, Dancing Queen and Mamma Mia in the wee morning was pretty ridiculous. He later confessed that ABBA was his favorite and he only listened to them.
As we packed our things on the bus, Natalie said, "Now, everybody, make sure you have EVERYTHING, as people always forget things here and it's hard to get them back if you forget something." She reminded us of this multiple times, really emphasized it. When we finally got going, about 4 minutes into the ride her phone rang, and she answered it saying, with attitude, "What did they forget this time!?" There was a pause, and then she looked back at us and said, "It was me!" and we all laughed, and it was such a sitcom moment.
We explore Rotorua, a geothermal area, very smelly but interesting. We did some shopping and ate lunch at a Thai restaurant. Then we headed to Taupo, and walked around there for a bit. It was a pretty easygoing day. Later that night a lot of the bus got drunk at the bar that was part of the hostel. I had one drink, a heavily advertised, very cheap "James' love potion". It was passionfruit mixed with vodka and as the bartender poured it he said, "FINALLY I've been trying to get rid of this stuff all night" and I was like, "hmmm." But it wasn't terrible. Some people went skydiving, and one guy bought the DVD, and we all gathered in the TV room to watch. It was very funny, and I was very jealous I didn't have enough money to go. I'm determined to go skydiving at some point in my life though.
That night was Anne and my last night with the group, as we were taking a bus back to Auckland the next day. We said our goodbyes, which was kind of sad, and the next day we had a wonderful (ha!) 4+ hour ride back to Auckland.
We bought a kumara, a big vegetable in New Zealand. It tasted like a sweet potato, and I liked it. Then we went to Minus 5, a bar completely made of ice, including the cups the drinks are in. That was fun. The next day, our last day, we took it easy for the most part. We didn't want to spend much money, so we walked around the city taking pictures of the bizarro mannequins and puns (puns are HUGE in New Zealand. From stores in alleys called "Right up your alley" to pretty much every advertisement I saw while there). We also hung out in a library for a couple hours. I read teen magazines. One of them was a specifically New Zealand teen magazines, which I found especially interesting because they interviewed American celebrities and asked them questions such as "Have you ever been to New Zealand?" (for which almost all answered "No, but I would love to go someday!") We ate a Burger Fuel, a big burger joint in New Zealand which I LOVED (vegan options, kumara fries, and soymilk shakes! i got a burger called "Tofu Combustion" For serious!) We ended up staying up all night as our flight was at 6:25, and they said we needed to be at the airport 3 hours early. And so our last few hours were spend having very sleepy conversations about past relationships and a trek to a 24 hour McDonalds for apple pies (which I've decided taste better in NZ than in Australia or the U.S.).
Friday, September 12, 2008
Itchy Kangaroo
Pictures (part 3)
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Pictures (part 2)
A couple friends and I went to this awesome "Urban Chalk Arts Festival" in Sydney this weekend.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Lessons in Australian slang
2. Whenever you go on a trip somewhere, you go "on holiday."
3. People really do say "mate."
4. Two really big ones: Gas is never gas, it is PETROL. And cell phones are not cell phones, they are MOBILE PHONES, with the mobile really pronounced out. This baffles me a little, because Australians do tend to shorten words a ton (University is always, "uni" for example) but both petrol and mobile are more syllables than gas and cell. Also, lines aren't called lines, they are called "queues." I suppose in this case queue is the same number of syllables as line, but still I feel like line is just so much easier to say.
5. This one makes me laugh: "tutorials" (the smaller classes here) are always refered to by Australians as "tutes." ALWAYS. Actually, a couple weeks ago I had a sweet Australian boy come up to me and say, "I saw you in our tute and I reckon you're beautiful." Notice his use of "tute" and of "I reckon" (as Australians use this phrase often, too.)
6. There is no ketchup! Only tomato sauce! Although the tomato sauce is ketchup...I think. Very confusing. I mean, is tomato sauce still tomato sauce too? Also, fries are chips, or hot chips, or wedges. It depends on the type. I had an Australian man on a bus explain it all to me, but it was just much too confusing. I'm also not quite sure if (US) chips are chips, like if you buy a bag of chips, are they chips? Possibly crisps? I will have to investigate this further and get back to you.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Pictures (part 1)
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Surfing and such
Then, I dragged my surfboard into the water, and did not feel very cool anymore when i repeatedly got whacked in the back/gut/head with the surfboard. And also almost drowned. That is because I am a very bad swimmer. And I can't hold my breath underwater unless I seriously consciously think about it, which of course I can't when I am trying to not fall off/get punched by this giant, very hard object. That being said, I never even stood up on it. I think I was able to "boogie board" at one point for a second, but that's about it.
I presented my writing for the first time in creative writing class. That was a somewhat terrifying experience. In creative writing classes here you bring in 20 copies of your work and hand them out and everyone reads silently while you wait in at your desk, horrified, for your classmates to finish. I always thought it was terrifying to read my work outloud, but i'm thinking this might have been worse.
Nevertheless, people seemed to like my story. It was about a guy slowly getting obsessed with this neurotic girl at a grocery store. A boy in my class came up to me and started talking to me about it afterwards. He said he worked at a grocery store and could relate.
I'm going to New Zealand at the end of this month with this girl I met named Anne. I like her a lot for many reasons including the fact that she rented a piano for her room for the semester because she's that good and couldn't go without one, that she is an amazing cook and willing to make me vegan food, and that she likes nerdy board games. About New Zealand I am most excited about the fact that we shall be going ZORBING which is when you go in one of those giant clear plastic human-size hamster ball thingies and roll around. I'm so psyched! POSSIBLY skydiving too...
Sunday, August 17, 2008
3 weeks in one blog!
We saw lots of other beautiful things on the trip and I should have written about them 3 weeks ago when I came back from the trip. I do remember lots of very tiring climbing and walking. Very tiring because I am lazy and out of shape. However, they were good preparation for when I came back from the trip and realized how unconviently far my room is from campus/the mall/everywhere and everyone else I want to see. But more on that later. The hiking was worth it though; the views were amazing. I'd definitely recommend that anybody studying abroad at Macquarie go on this trip. We were able to choose from this trip or two surfing-related trips and when I tell people who went on surf trips about this trip they are very jealous.
Another of my favorite parts of the trip occured on the way back. Our tour guide stopped the bus randomly and we all got off and started hiking down a path towards and park when all of a sudden there are a dozen wild kangaroos in the distance. I figure we are going to stop walking and watch them from here, but we keep on hiking towards them, closer and closer, and they don't hop away! Our tour guide pulls up some grass and feeds it to one of the kangaroos before it hops away. Everyone is taking pictures with the kangaroos and it is awesome. Our tour guide later said that those particular kangaroos were used to human interaction (probably from all the tour buses pulling over in that area?) but it was still very, very neat.
I met this boy Richie on the last day of the Blue Mountains trip, and he has become my close friend here. I hung out with him everyday after the trip before classes started. Really, I practically live in his apartment. I am the Kimmy Gibbler of his apartment. Mostly we play Scrabble a lot on the epic homemade board we made (Scrabble costs about $100 to buy here, we made one instead out of an artist's canvas, paint, and balsa wood. It is so much better than normal Scrabble).
My classes started soon after coming back from the trip. I love my creative writing class. It is all Australians except for me. They are all either really nerdy or like cool Australian hipster kids. And there is a random old man. We read an Australian short story about this perverted guy and it was full of sexual Australian slang that I have now learned! Also, my teacher is very, very nice. I think she likes me because I am from the U.S. and probably not many students from the U.S. go to Macquarie to study creative writing. I like my sociology and culture study classes a lot so far too. I wasn't sure how I'd feel about the whole 300+ student thing, but it's really not bad. The way classes work at Macquarie is that you have lectures and tutorials; lectures are the huge 300 person classes; tutorials are much smaller, smaller or equal to the typical Hampshire class I'd say, maybe 10-16 people. So you go to the lecture to take notes/gather information/view screenings, and tutorials usually consist of group work, student presentations, and a chance to ask questions on information covered in the lectures.
I just got a job writing English lessons for a 4th grade tutor/teacher. I make $30 for 2ish hours of work a week, on my own time, and I might possibly start writing for 7th grade too, for which I'd make another $30. I had the most painless job interview of my entire life. I sent the lady hiring a writing sample and my resume through email; she looked them over, said she thought I had the qualifications she was looking for, and then we met up for a "quick interview." She didn't ask me a single question! She had me fill out tax forms and told me about what I'd be writing, and i asked her questions. One of her students was still around and gave her a bag of mango slices and she seemed to not really like them but she was sort of eating them while we talked. Afterwards she gave me a ride home (which was exciting to me to be in the front seat of an Australian car!) and on the way told me about why she moved to Australia and such (her husband is in a band, apparently. Awesome!) But seriously, the most painless possible job interview EVER. Australians really are some of the nicest people I've ever encountered. For example, I was on the bus with a few friends the other day, and we were pondering how to get to Chinatown. An Australian man overheard us and pulled out a GPS to help. Then he drew us a VERY detailed map to his favorite restaurant in Chinatown. THEN, we got off the bus and he decided to lead us, out of his way, the ENTIRE WAY to the restaurant. Incredible. I feel like if a random man did that in the U.S. people would be creeped out, but here it's normal.
Friday, July 25, 2008
I had a three hour-ish layover in San Francisco so I actually got to see my friend who lives in San Francisco, Donnie. I was really excited to get to leave the airport in California because I'd never been to California before. I left the airport, Donnie picked me up, and we went on this awesome playground. It had the biggest playground slide I had ever seen in my life. We slid down the slide and hid in a cracked egg. (It was a very strange playground.) There was a sign that said something like, "This park is due to the wonderful efforts of governor Arnold Schwarzenegger." That amazed me. I guess I just never fully could believe he was really the governor but a sign in a park doesn't lie! Then Donnie took me back to the airport but I almost missed my flight to Sydney because I get lost everywhere and of course got lost in the San Francisco airport.
But I didn't miss it, and soon I was greeted by an Australian flight attendant and was seated next to this Australian man who was covered in bandages all over his body. A little weird, but it did mean we got an extra seat in between us. I slept through dinner. When I woke up, the bandaged Australian man started a conversation with me. He showed me things on his map. He told me he flipped over his bike and that's why he was all bandaged. He offered to take me to a horse race in Melbourne, and he offered me some of his beer. He was really friendly, actually. And he kept asking the flight attendant for things, such as booze, ice-packs, a working tv screen. And he would always end his requests with "Thanks, mate!" It made me smile.
One of the flight attendants was in love with me. He said, "What's your name?" and I said "Aly" and he said "Haley?" and I said, "AH-ly" and he said "You're very pretty."
Then he started asking me questions such as why, when he put my breakfast on my tray I turned it around the other way (it was because I wanted to eat the fruit that was on the other side first, if you were curious), and he asked what I was doing in Australia, and what I was studying at Macquarie. When I told him creative writing he brought over a Writer's Digest magazine for me. Except that I had already read that issue. So I pretended to read for a few minutes because I appreciated the thought. Then I played checkers on the super high-tech TV screen on the back of the seat in front of me.
I also watched "Definitely, Maybe" which was cute, and "Drillbit Taylor" which was odd.
My flight got in at 6:02am, Friday the 25th. I waited at the airport for 45 minutes for the Macquarie person. When I finally found him, I was told to wait with a group of other kids, and we seriously waited there for 2 hours before the Macquarie representative acknowledged that there were enough of us to fill the van or something.
Then our bus driver was slow and I live in the village and we went there last so I spent another 3 and a half hours in that van! I wanted to be super excited but I was very tired and grumpy and hungry. And there was a really REALLY perky girl on the bus. OBNOXIOUSLY PERKY! She was like "OMG I love accents! They just make me so happy! Say it again, Lithuanian boy! Or is it Lithuanianism? OMG i hope my roommates aren't boring! i want to party! I'm so nervous that they will be boring!"
Then when I finally got to my room I felt sad because I was in my room and it was an empty room and an empty bathroom in an empty apartment because nobody was around and I didn't even have internet yet. So then I was like poo I can't handle this I want to go home. (for a brief second)
Then I got my internet working and listened to I'm From Barcelona's HAPPY HAPPY music and all was well again. I went to a convience store that miraculously had soymilk and thumbtacks, both of which I wanted. And then I was happy and excited for what was to come!